To avoid making the mistakes mentioned below, make a well-thought-out, structured strategy of stock market advice and stick to it.✔ï¸Patience shortfall• Returns would be higher if the portfolio expanded slowly• Keep your plans reasonable with a relevant time horizon✔ï¸Uncertainty about investment• Avoid investing in business models you don't understand• Building a diversified portfolio to prevent uncertainty✔ï¸Going in without a plan• Set investment journey with financial goals & risk appetite • Taking a financial advisor's help is recommended for the same ✔ï¸Trying to predict the market• Timing the share market correctly is incredibly difficult• SIPs are recommended to average out the investment over time✔ï¸Waiting for break-even• Avoid holding off on selling loss-making shares in the market• It will continue to depreciate until no longer worth anything⬇ï¸Download the app now! - MO Investor App👉 Research 360 App🔗 For disclaimer, visit our Share this with your investing or trading buddy.🔖 Save this post for future reference.â˜‘ï¸ Follow @motilaloswalgroup for more knowledge-based content. #linkinbio #MotilalOswal #KnowledgeFirst #Investing #StockMarket #Investing101 #stockmarketinvesting #experttips #chooserightstocks #investmentadvice #stockratings #stockanalysis #technicalresearch #marketanalysis #expertadvice #investingtips
Posted on : 23 Feb 2023 11:00 AM